Passenger Contacts

1- Contacts in bookings

It is a requirement to include passenger contacts in your bookings so that the airline can contact you in the event of operational irregularities. This measure gives passengers access to relevant information to guarantee better assistance, and these situations may occur outside your working hours. In these contacts' absence, the responsibility will lie with the issuer — SSR contacts (CTCE, CTCM, CTCR, PCTC):

  • CTCE – passenger's e-mail address;
  • CTCM – passenger's mobile contact;
  • CTCR – when the passenger refuses to give the company their contact details;
  • PCTC – emergency contact.


2- APIs

When traveling to the USA and Canada, regardless of the passenger's nationality, in addition to the above information, it is required to include the following information in the bookings – SSR APIS (DOCS, DOCA e DOCO):

  • DOCS — for passport or identification document information;
  • DOCA — for address information (either residence or destination address, depending on the requirements of each country); 
  • DOCO — Introduction in case of visa (when applicable).

Failure to provide this information may prevent the passenger from being accepted and boarded.